Kikkawa ‘Ryokan’ or the Japanese inn, the antecedent of Hotel FLEX was named after Kikkawa Motoharu, one of the famous generals during the Civil War era of Japan, and the founder ancestor of the hotel. |
Hotel Flex has succeeded such ideals in the spirit of Motoharu for more than150 years since the Kikkawa Ryokan Inn was established. |
吉川元春は「三本の矢」の逸話で有名な毛利元就の次男であり、勇猛果敢、謹厳実直で人間尊重でホスピタリティーの精神を持った人物であったと伝えられています。 It is said that Kikkawa Motoharu, the second son of Mori Motonari, who is famous for the anecdote of "Three Arrows", was intrepid and brave, serious and sincere, appreciated humanitarian value and had the spirit of hospitality. |
現在のホテルは。現代のライフスタルに合った快適で安全なホテルと進化し続けております。 Hotel FLEX complex was built to open in conjunction with the Asian Games held in Hiroshima. It really became a comfortable, safe hotel, suitable for a modern life style. |